[Todos] [FCEyN] Subsidio para investigacion en Alimentos ALCUE-FOOD

SIP sip at si.fcen.uba.ar
Thu Oct 28 14:50:37 ART 2004

    La Secretaria de Investigacion anuncia un proyecto de red integrada entre Comunidad Europea (EU) y paises Latinoamericanos y Caribe (ALC), de la que Argentina es un pais miembro, concebida para formular proyectos de investigacion en temas relacionados con Alimentos a ser presentados a la UE (propuesta ALCUE-FOOD). Las tematicas de investigacion contempladas son variadas y abarcan varios aspectos relacionados con alimentos, a saber: 
    advanced microbiology, traceability, GMO risk assessment, biotechnology applied to food sciences, emergent technologies (to be defined : e.g. membrane separation, microwave, etc.) a ser aplicados en el area de seguridad alimentaria 
    A continuacion les transcribimos el resumen de los objetivos. Los grupos de investigacion potencialmente interesados, por favor envien un mail a esta Secretaria y le mandaremos el documento completo (64 paginas de archivo Word). Los que tienen interés luego de la lectura del proyecto deberán mandar por mail a esta Secretaría un resumen de hasta una carilla de su temática de investigación, agregando además un interno de telefono y una dirección de e-mail donde se los pueda contactar. Se deberá mencionar si han participado o están participando en un proyecto con la UE; en caso afirmativo agregar el nombre del proyecto  y el código del mismo. 
    1.      Project summary

    Further to the Rio summit, the bi-regional S&T dialogue between Latin American and Caribbean countries and the EU's Member States (ALCUE) has successfully highlighted opportunities in areas of cooperation and provided a concrete outline of issues to be addressed in the agrifood area. Based on the recommendations of this dialogue, this proposal is focused on the implementation of a "networking platform" to promote and enhance S&T co operation in "Food Quality and Safety". 
    Considering the role of agriculture and agrifood in the Southern Cone Countries, the importance of agricultural products trade to EU, the presence of recognized research groups, the bilateral EU agreements in S&T, the networking platform will be implemented and focusing its activities in this region. Nevertheless, the dissemination of outputs will be addressed to all LAC countries. 
    The ALCUE-FOOD project proposes a "European fork to Latin American farm" approach, to: i) meet EU safety and quality requirements; ii) develop safer food and feed chain production; ii) provide high quality and health-enhancing foods. 
    Promoting in LAC countries a "total food chain approach" for EU exported products will subsequently contribute to improve the welfare of Latin American populations and must be considered as an important impact in terms of co operation and mutual benefit. 
    The main expected results are: 
      -       Implementation of R&D bi regional groups of scientists; 
    -       Organisation of an innovative and global Information System; 
    -       Proposal of new relevant R&D topics based on analysis of social demand and productive sector needs; 
    -       Synergy between the R&D national policies and those of the European Commission.

    The implementation of the networking platform will necessarily promote a dialogue between and within the two regions, with implications for national and regional policies. It will contribute to strengthen the Food Quality and Safety priority and the internationalisation of the European Research Area.

    2.      Objectives of the project and state of the art 
      2.1.    Objectives

    The overall objective is to establish, within the framework of the ALCUE S&T dialogue process, a permanent food quality and safety platform aiming to facilitate information development and sharing, promote a greater convergence in RTD and elaboration of food quality and safety policies, synergize technology transfer and trade and optimize the utilization of cooperation resources. 

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