[Todos] Seminario: sensory ecology and behavior

Daniel Tomsic tomsic at fbmc.fcen.uba.ar
Mon Nov 5 12:08:04 ART 2007

Seminario: sensory ecology and behavior


Invitamos a un seminario del Porfesor Jochen Zeil, el proximo viernes 9 a las 12hs en el aula Burkart.


El Dr. Zeil es un reconocido investigador en el área de comportamiento animal, fundamentalmente de ecológica sensorial. En sus trabajos analiza comportamientos de orientación, navegación y búsqueda en una gran variedad de especies animales vertebrados e invertebrados.


En esta oportunidad nos hablará de:


Stealthy Target Tracking in Satellite Flies


Jochen Zeil

ARC Centre of Excellence in Vision Sciences and Centre for Visual Sciences, Research School of Biological Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. 


Female satellite flies (Sarcophagidae: Miltogramminae) track ground-nesting wasps (Sphecidae: Cerceris sp; back to their nests with the aim of depositing one of their larvae on the prey of the wasp, just before the wasp enters her nest. Parasitic pressure can be so high in wasp colonies that up to four satellite flies simultaneously track one wasp, sharing the airspace behind the wasp. In contrast to other examples of target tracking in insects, the aim of the flies in this task is not target capture, but the stealthy pursuit of the wasp back to her nest and a fast final approach to deposit the larva. We used normal and high-speed digital video cameras to reconstruct three-dimensional flight-paths, head and body orientation of tracking flies and their targets to identify the control variables used by the flies.



Algunos de sus ultimos trabajos son: 

_Hemmi JM, Zeil J (2003) Robust judgement of inter-object distance by an arthropod. Nature 421: 160-163.

_Detto T, Backwell PRY, Hemmi JM, Zeil J (2006) Visually mediated species and neighbour recognition in fiddler crabs (Uca mjoebergi and Uca capricornis). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 273: 1661-1666

_Greiner B, Narendra A, Reid SF, Dacke M, Ribi WA, Zeil J (2006) Eye structure correlates with distinct foraging-bout timing in primitive ants. Curr Biol. 23; 879-80.  

_Peters R, Hemmi JM, Zeil J (2007) Signalling against the wind: modifying motion signal structure in response to increased noise. Current Biology (in press).



Quedan todos invitados

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