[Todos] astonish cabby

Isaiah Kinney dljjz at willi-und-sunny.de
Thu Sep 14 01:42:01 ART 2006

He has killed one of our drovers and corrupted alot of yours an raided yore cattle!
Then Mum snapped: Bingham Slyter, Ididnt hold it against Sterl.
The rain had ceased except for a drizzle, but theovercast sky predicted continuous downpour.
I can land here, somewhere if you rope me.
Two ridersemerged from the impenetrable black.
Butthat discovery did not by any means convince Stanley Dann. Fellers, thet big dry wash has been raisin all the time.
Then he watched the river for a slatch, and urgedKing into deep water. Red and Slyter returned from the Dann camp, and Slyter said: Saddle up,all hands.
I heahedOrmiston say he was a bushranger.
Were wastin time, an well know for shorepronto. Thatafternoon white clouds, like ships at sea, sailed over the ranges to thenortheast.
That part of hisface not covered with dirt and blood was ashen white and clammy. Hes gonna persuade Ormiston to drive his herd back on thisside, before the river rises.
Say, pard, the kid would have smacked the daylights out of you but forme, he said.
Then he mounted a fraction of a secondbehind Sterl. A big herd of cattle, densely packed,had been run along this course, to go over the bank. I stepped up on thewheel, so I could look down at her.
But out here, after what weve gone through, Isay hell yes, she could! His ice-blue eyes glinted as he faced Sterl. If you had facts whydidnt you produce them? Folks, am I gettin balmy or is it hot sooner an wusser than yestiddymawnin?
Fellers, thet big dry wash has been raisin all the time. I stepped up on thewheel, so I could look down at her.
Then Mum snapped: Bingham Slyter, Ididnt hold it against Sterl.
That awful odor of the blast furnace closed.
Sterlgot his field glass from under a flap of the tent.
You may expect us back with Beryl bynightfall, or tomorrow at the latest. Folks, am I gettin balmy or is it hot sooner an wusser than yestiddymawnin? Strong hands pulled Sterl and his burden up on the bank. Sterl released his strain on the bridle and thumped King hard in theflanks.
If he took Beryl on horseback wed runhim down. 
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