[Todos] FW: LASDB/SDB Course

Pablo Wappner PWappner at Leloir.org.ar
Tue Nov 30 12:37:47 ART 2004

Les paso información sobre el curso de Biologia del Desarrollo a llevarse a
cabo en Guaruja, Brasil en abril-mayo proximos. 
Promete ser excelente!
Saludos cordiales.
Dr Pablo Wappner 
Fundacion Instituto Leloir/ 
Universidad de Buenos Aires 
Patricias Argentinas 435 
Buenos Aires 
Phone: (54-11) 5238-7500 
Fax: (54-11) 5238-7501 

-----Original Message-----
From: Roberto Mayor [mailto:r.mayor at ucl.ac.uk]
Sent: Miércoles, 27 de Octubre de 2004 07:42 a.m.
To: "LASDB members"
Subject: LASDB/SDB Course

Dear Colleague,

We are happy to announce the course "Model Organisms and 


Approaches in Developmental Biology," organized by the Latin


Society of Developmental Biology (LASDB) and the Society for

Developmental Biology (SDB), to be held April 27-May 4, 2005 in Brazil.

It is a satellite short course to the LASDB's Second International

Meeting and is targeted for 30 students, 15 based in the United States

of America and 15 based in the Latin American countries.  Major


is provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation's Pan-American

Advanced Studies Institutes Program.

Preliminary program, list of teaching faculty and student selection

criteria are available at:

< http://www.sdbonline.org/ShortCourse/course.htm
<http://www.sdbonline.org/ShortCourse/course.htm> >

We invite excellent

students and postdoctoral fellows in the US and excellent students,

postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty in Latin America to apply for

the course.  If you know of candidates who meet the criteria as

described in the course website, please forward the information and

encourage them to apply.  This will be a unique opportunity to learn


perspectives and to initiate potential collaborations with colleagues 


this hemisphere.

Thank you for helping us to promote this exciting opportunity.

The meeting organizers.

Ruth Lehmann, Jose Xavier Neto, Ida Chow and Roberto Mayor.

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