[Todos] 2nd Circular -- CALL FOR PAPERS

ICIFMS14 conference desk mail at icifms14.com
Wed Nov 24 09:34:20 ART 2004

Dear Colleagues,
 This is the second circular of 
  The 14th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical 
  Spectroscopy - The 15th Iketani Conference
  5-9 September 2005, at Kyoto Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan.
 For the further information, please visit the website:
 Best wishes,
 H. Mizubayashi, Chairperson
 (Please accept our apologies if you receive several copies of this mail.)
 The 14th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical 
 Spectroscopy - The 15th Iketani Conference
 5-9 September 2005, at Kyoto Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan
 Supported by Iketani Science and Technology Foundation
 Those who plan to contribute a paper are requested to submit a one-page 
 abstract to the Secretariat by e-mail, to paper at icifms14.com, or by mail 
 through post, by 31 January 2005. The instructions for preparation and a 
 model format are provided at the Conference's website,
 Acceptance for presentation will be notified in March 2005.
 For practical reasons, the number of contributions per person will be 
 limited to one: a regular or student registrant can be responsible for 
 only one paper as the corresponding author. If desired, an additional 
 contribution may be accepted with an extra charge of 30,000 Japanese 
 Yen. This policy does not apply to invited papers.
 Papers presented at the conference will be published in a special issue 
 of Materials Science and Engineering A through regular peer review. 
 Manuscripts will have to be submitted before the conference, by 31 July 
 Some new pieces of information, such as preliminary announcements of the 
 registration and accommodation, are provided at the website. 
 Registration and reservation for accommodation are planned to start in 
 March 2005, after the notification of acceptance for presentation.
 ICIFMS-14 Secretariat, c/o Prof. H. Mizubayashi
 Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba
 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573, Japan
 Website	http://www.icifms14.com/
 E-mail  mail at icifms14.com (general)
         paper at icifms14.com (abstracts, manuscripts)
 Fax     +81 29 855 7440

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